Wednesday, April 19, 2006

This week's quiz, last week's answers

Last week's questions (countries of the world)

1. What European country has as its constitutional co-heads of state the president of another country and the Catholic bishop of yet another (a third) country?

2. What country in the Western Hemisphere has a parrot in the center of its flag?

3. What European country has only one of the colors of the spectrum in its flag? (two hints: (1) the colors of the spectrum are: red. orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (2) the flag has three horizontal stripes).

4. The American national anthem begins with "Oh." What other country’s national anthem also begins with "Oh" (or "O")? (hint: American sports fans have heard it).

Last week's answers

1. Andorra. A tiny country in the Pyrenees mountains between Spain and France. Its founding occurred in the year 1278, when its rulers were proclaimed to be the French count of Foix and the Spanish bishop of Urgel (Andorra was squeezed in between the Spanish region Urgel and the French region Foix ). Years later, the president of France replaced the count of Foix as its co-titular head.

2. Dominica. A small island located between the French islands Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Caribbean. Formerly a British dependency, it gained its independence in 1978.

3. Estonia. The northernmost of the three Baltic countries. At various times in its recent past it was under Russian domination, from which it gained independence in 1991. Its flag has three horizontal stripes, which from top to bottom are blue, black, and white.

4. Canada. The English version: Oh, Canada, our home and native land...; the French version: O, Canada, terre de nos aiëux....(Oh, Canada, land of our forefathers...).

(I have visited each of those countries.)

This week's questions (U.S. presidents)

1. Who first lived in the White House?

2. Who skinny-dipped in the Potomac River?

3. Who served two non-consecutive terms?

4. Who said "Give me a one-armed economist"?

Answers next week

Next week's questions (African republics, former colonies)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Watson,

Your blog is both insightful and informative. Do I win a prize for correctly answering your presidential quiz?

1. John Adams
2. John Quincy Adams
3. Grover Cleveland
4. Harry S. Truman

All financial rewards can be sent to 12882 Elizabeth Way, Tustin, CA 92780 to the attention of the identical true name of your "nom-de-plum". :)

Sunday, April 23, 2006 8:42:00 PM  

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