Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Star Spangled Banner in Spanish

It’s been much talked about lately that Hispanics in the USA have come up with a Spanish-language version of our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner (Nuestro himno, “Our anthem”). There are those who disapprove of having such a version of it, including (according to National Public Radio) the great-grandson of its composer, Francis Scott Key, and George Bush (“It should be sung in English,” he said).

Having heard it played and sung, I think it is in good taste. It is set to the same music as The Star Spangled Banner with just a bit of Latino flavor added. It is respectful of our anthem–certainly more so than many pop singers who jazz it up disgustingly at sports events and other public gatherings. I think we should be pleased that Hispanics living in the USA want to show by their Spanish version that they are proud of their adopted country. They even have a second verse similar to that of the English version (which almost no one who sings the English version knows).

Having the Spanish version doesn’t in any way detract from the English one; anyone can choose to sing one or the other, or both, on various occasions. Canada has both an English and French version of its national anthem Oh, Canada.

Following is are the words of Nuestro himno and an English translation (taken from National Public Radio’s website).

Amanece, lo veis?, a la luz de la aurora?
lo que tanto aclamamos la noche al caer?
sus estrellas sus franjas flotaban ayer
en el fiero combate
en señal de victoria,
fulgor de lucha, al paso de la libertad.
Por la noche decían:
"Se va defendiendo!"
Oh decid! Despliega aún
Su hermosura estrellada
sobre tierra de libres,
la bandera sagrada?

English translation:

It's sunrise. Do you see by the light of the dawn
What we proudly hailed last nightfall?
Its stars, its stripes
yesterday streamed
above fierce combat
a symbol of victory
the glory of battle, the march toward liberty.
Throughout the night, they proclaimed: "We will defend it!"
Tell me! Does its starry beauty still wave
above the land of the free,
the sacred flag?


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