Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Visit this blog's archives

The following postings from the past, and now in the Archives, may interest you. They may be accessed by clicking on the "SEARCH THIS BLOG" button just to the left at the top of the blog and scrolling down the dates (which are in descending date order) to find them. For some strange reason, which I can’t explain, the dates shown as you scroll down are not the correct dates, but clicking on the posting shown will take you there anyway.

Or, you may go to the "SEARCH THIS BLOG" button and type in just a few words of the title of the posting and you will be taken to those words, where you can click and get the full posting.

Alternatively, you may click on the "Archives" for the month shown at the bottom of the sidebar column to access the postings (the dates shown below in the present posting are the correct dates ).

"The Worst President in History?" (May 28, 2006) This is the title of an article in the 5/4/06 issue of the magazine Rolling Stone by Sean Wilentz, a professor of American history at Princeton University. In it he includes George W. Bush among the four worst presidents (the "Biggest Failures" he calls them)--the other three are James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and Herbert Hoover. (Conversely, his "The Greatest Successes" are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.) I concur that, if not the absolute worst, Bush is certainly one of the worst and give my reasons for this opinion.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life... (Feb. 9, 2006). Uses info developed by life insurance actuaries. Beginning with your present age, you answer 24 questions about your family background, your physical condition, and your life style to predict to what age you might live.

What women in the throes of passion say in various countries. (March 15, 2006). Tells how they react in Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, and the USA.

Our English language. How difficult is English compared to other languages? (Jan. 17, 2006). First, the posting tells how simple English is in some ways; then it points out the perplexing difficulties in other respects for a foreigner trying to learn it.

Encounter of Pope John Paul with St. Peter. (Jan. 16, 2006). Tells of the pope’s difficulties in trying to get past St. Peter at the Golden Gates.

Islam: a "peaceful" religion or a dangerous one? (Feb. 19, 2006). Debates the issue.

Shame of Darfur... (April 9, 2006). Decries the savagery going on there with no action taken to stop it.

Everybody hates Wal-Mart... (March 28, 2006). Or do they?

How to tell you've grown old (January 16, 2006). I learned it when women (some near my age) offered me their seat in subway trains in Madrid, Spain, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Santiago, Chile. Also, comments on subway systems that I have ridden in many cities of the world.

As you scroll down these postings, you may find others of interest.


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