Thursday, May 18, 2006

This week's quiz, last week's answers

This week's quiz: European countries

1. One country has four official languages. What is the country and what are the four languages?

2. The languages of all but three countries are members of the Indo-European family (none of the Russian federation countries are considered here). What are the three exceptions and what is their family called?

3. Four countries have a female head of state. Name two of the countries and their heads of state.

4. A department store operates in five countries, one of which is Russia. Name the store and two of the other four countries in which it operates.

Next week's quiz: Battles of history.

Answers to last week’s quiz: U.S. states

1. The University of ____ is located in Vermillion; _____ State University is in Brookings. Which is the state?

South Dakota

2. Only one state has a unicameral (just one chamber) legislature. Which is it?


3. Name any two of the 14th, 15th, and 16th states to enter the Union after the original 13 colonies.

Vermont 1791, Kentucky 1792, Tennessee 1796.

4. Fourteen presidents were previously governors of their states. Name seven (name and state).

Actually there were 16--I missed a couple:

Thomas Jefferson (Virginia). James Monroe (Virginia). Martin Van Buren (New York). John Tyler (Virginia). James K. Polk (Tennessee). Andrew Johnson (Tennessee). Grover Cleveland (New York). Theodore Roosevelt (New York). Woodrow Wilson (New Jersey). Warren G. Harding (Ohio). Calvin Coolidge (Massachusetts). Franklin D. Roosevelt (New York). Jimmy Carter (Georgia). Ronald Reagan (California). Bill Clinton (Arkansas). George W. Bush (Texas).

That wise guy/gal "Anonymous" in Tustin, CA got them right again. We'll trip him/her up eventually.


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